Radiofrequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook - Fourth Edition

Table 9.6. Measuared Body Currents [mA/ (kV/m) ] To Ground For Subjects Exposed Under Different Conditions To 24.8-kHz VLF Electric Fields [Washington VLF (Guy and Chou, 1982) ]

Condition and E-Field
Strength (Wet Asphalt)
Hands Down One Hand Up Both Hands Up Crouch
E = 487 V/m
Bare feet
Subject No. 1
(height = 1.77 m) 6.0 7.23 8.19 3.14
Subject No. 2
(Height = 1.77 m) 5.6 6.80 7.62 2.77
Subject No. 3
(Height = 1.68 m) 5.24 6.30 7.02 2.46
Rubber-sole shoes
Subject No.1 3.20 3.72 4.00 1.46
Subject No. 2 3.78 4.44 4.93 1.56
Subject No.3 2.6 3.10 3.39 1.21
Leather-sole shoes
Subject No. 1 4.52 5.46 5.91 2.34
Feet grounded to ground strip
Subject No. 3 5.9 - - - - - -
Feet insulated, hand
grounded to ground strip
6.63 - - - - - -
E = 1.46 kV/m
Subject No. 2 6.44 7.67 8.70 2.95