Radiofrequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook - Fourth Edition

Table 7.17 A Summary of Available Experimental Data on Fields and SAR Measurements in Biological Phantoms and Test Animals Irradiated by Electromagnetic Fields

Radiation Source
Summary of Results
Saline-filled rectangular phantoms 45.7 x 78.8 x 25cm 10-30 MHz Planewave, CW KHE Maximum and average SAR Differential power measurement a Experimental data demonstrate
the square-law dependence of
SAR on frequency of RF source
in the HF band, and linear rela-
tionship between Pin and SAR.
* 190-560-g rats
* Water-filled cylindrical phantoms 190 and 290 g (17-cm long by 3.8-cm diameter) 29-g mice
2450 MHz Multimodal resonating cavity, pulse repetition rate = 120Hz, pulse width=2.5 ms Unspecified Mass absorption density (mJ/g), area absorption density (mJ/cm2) and latency to convulsion Calorimetric technique b Absorbed dose measurements in phantoms are compared with those in rats. At a given power level, mean latency to convulsion is proportional to the weight of rats. Latency to convulsion in rats and mice as function of SAR is given.
* 190-560-g rats
* Water-filled cylindrical phantoms 190 and 290 g
2800 MHz Far field Unspecified Mass absorption density (mJ/g) and area absorption density (mJ/cm2) Calorimetric technique c SAR measurements in phantoms are compared with those in rats.
* 96- 90 Wistar rats
* 25-g mice
Brain-phantom prolate spheroids (a/b up to and including 5.75)
285-4000 MHz Planewave (two-plate stripline) E, H, and K SAR Insertion loss measurement d
For rats, mice, and spheroidal phantoms, E polarization is the most absorbing, H polarization the least, and K polarization slightly more absorbing than the H. For rats, in K polarization the frequencies of peak absorption and the maximum absorption at these values demonstrate W 1/3 and W 2/3 dependencies, r espectively, upon the weight of the animal. In phantom spheres the peak SAR occurs in a resonant region where ka = 0.55-0.59.
* Rhesus monkeys (anesthetized)
* 3.5-kg prolate spheroid monkey phantoms
* 70-kg prolate spheroid human phantoms
1-50 MHz Far-field exposure chamber E, H, and K SAR Differential power measurements f
Average SAR increases approximately as the frequency squared, for all phantoms as well as monkey exposures. Experimental data on spheroidal phantoms are in good agreement with theoretical data calculated by long-wavelength analysis (Durney et al. 1975). Comparisons are made between measured SAR data on monkeys and calculated data on ellipsoidal models (Massoudi et al., 1977a).

(Table 7.17 continued)

Radiation Source
Summary of Results
Tissue-equivalent materials simulating rats 1, 4, 10, 12, 30 & 60 d old 2450 MHz Rectangular waveguide, TE10 mode, CW Tail-on (0°) and head-on (180°) to direction of incident wave. Also, stepwise variations from 0° to 180° SAR and SAR distribution Thermography from SAR distribution and insertion-loss measurement for average SAR h For 180°orientation, the head
area, including the brain,
absorbs the most microwave
energy. In the opposite orientation,
the tail and abdominal regions
absorb the maximum. Total
SAR changes only slightly between
0° and 180° orientations. SAR is
lowest at 90° orientation angle.
* 25-30-g mice (8.5 cm long)
* 100-125-g rats (16 cm long)
* 380-420-g rats (22.5 cm long, excluding tail)
710-3000 MHz Standard-gain horns E and H Latency to tonic-clonic convulsion Obsersvation via closed-circuit television and elapsed time recorded on a printout counter i E polarization produces consistently shorter convulsion latencies. An inverse relationship between frequency and animal size was observed over the range of frequencies and sizes tested.
* Rats (60-440 g)
* Mice (35-50g)
2450 MHz Horn antenna (free-field exposure) --- SAR Calorimetric technique j Simultaneous exposures of groups of animals in varying numbers and various configurations have been m ade. SAR data as a function of position and weight are presented. Position of animal in an exposure matrix significently affects the SAR.
Mice (4 wk old) 918 MHz Rectangular waveguide (24.8 x 12.4 cm) --- SAR (Differential power measurements k During 8-h irradiation sessions, a reduction in SAR after the initial hour of each session was observed for both female and male groups of mice exposed to a 5-W forward power but not for a 2.5-W forward power.
Spheres of simulated muscle tissue (3.3-cm and 8-cm radii) 450, 915, & 2450 MHz Planewave (horn antenna) --- Spatial distribution of E-field Miniature isotropic probes e
Spatial distribution of E-field within spheres is compared with theoretically predicted values. Some internal dosimetric techniques are compared. Measured data are obtained with implantable probe in living cat's brain.
Saline-filled and biological phantom figurines (dolls 12.1, 18.4, 22.3, & 23.5 cm tall) 500, 985, & 2450 MHz TEM paprallel-plate chamber and free space EHK, EKH, KHE, & KEH SAR distribution Temperature-rise measurement n
Measured SAR data for dolls are scaled to obtain SAR values for humans as function of L/. For E polarization, (a) SAR observed for L/
* Saline-filled (0.9%) NaCl) figurines (7.6, 10.2, 12.7, 15.2, 20.3, 25.4, 33, & 40.6 cm high)
* Saline-filled prolate spheroid (L/2b=6)
500, 710, 987, & 2450 MHz Free space EKH, KEH, HEK SAR Temperature-rise measurements o
For EHK polarization, SAR dependence on frequency (f) is (a) an f2 type for frequencies well below resonance (L/2.75 to f3 type at sub-resonant region (0.2>fres the relative absorpion coefficient asymptotically approaches the optical values (1-power reflection coefficient).
Saline-filled figurines (10.2, 12.7, 15.2, & 20.3 cm tall) 150-1500 MHz Monopole-above-ground radiation chamber EKH SAR Temperature-rise measurements o
Projected SARs for a human being of height L, with feet in conductive contact with ground, are given as a function of L/
Saline-filled figurines 987 and 2450 MHz Monopole antenna in front of flat and corner reflectors --- SAR Temperatire-rise measurements n
Enhancement factor as a function of L/
Rats (averaged mass near 100g) 987 MHz Monopole anatenna in a 90° corner reflector --- Time to convulsion --- q Times to convulsion of rats for incident wave of 3- to 20-mW/cm2 power densities confirm some of the predictions of enhanced SAR in the presence of reflecting surfaces.

(Table 7.17 continued)

Radiation Source
Summary of Results
Prolate spheroid
phantoms: 330g
(17 x 6.1cm)
301g (13.2 x
918 Mhz Cylindrical wave-guide excited with circularly polarized TE11-mode field configuration Major axis of the spheroid, both parallel and perpenciular to wave-guide axis Average SAR, peak SAR, and SAR distribution Thermographic methods and differential power measurements r Thermogoraphic SAR measurements on exposed spheroidal phantoms are presented. Average and peak SAR values show very little change with orientation of phantoms.
A sacrificed 338-g rat 918 MHz Cylindrical wave-guide excited with circularly polarized TE11-mode field configuration Axial head, axial tail, and trans-verse illuminations SAR distribution Thermographic methods r Computer-processed thermograms showing iso-SAR lines normalized for 1-W input in three orientations.
132-490-g anesthetized and freely moving rats 918 MHz Cylindrical wave-guide excited with circularly polarized TE11-mode field configuration --- Mean SAR Differential power measurement r For both moving and anesthetized rats, the mean SAR remains relatively constant with low standard deviation.
Spherical phantoms, 6-11.1-cm diameters
* Prolate spheroidal phantoms with semimajor axes of 6.82-19.6cm and aspect ratios (a/b) of 2-7.73
* 1/4.62 scale human, 37.7cm tall
* 40-g mouse and its phantom

19 MHz

19 MHz

1600 MHz

2450 MHz
Resonant cavity

Near-field synthesizer

Stripline exposure apparatus


Microwave brain deactivator

E, K, and H
SAR distribution, peak SAR Thermographic techniques s
Thermograms show SAR distribution
inside phantoms exposed to electric,
magnetic, and combinations of
electric and magnetic fields in the near-
field synthesizer. Peak SAR data for
phantoms exposed in near-field synthe-
sizer are compared with those of the reson-
ant cavity. Peak SAR values are also given
for phantoms exposed in stripline chamber
and microwave brain deactivator. For short
exposure time and temperature rise of more
than 2°, measurements made in near-field
synthesizer on tissue- equivalent spheroids
agree well with theory (Durney et al., 1975) and
values measured in the resonant cavity.

(Table 7.17 continued)

Radiation Source
Summary of Results
saline-filled rec-
tangular phantom
(8 x 6 x 2cm)
2370 MHz Planewave KEH SAR E-field measurement u
SAR due to vertical component of
induced E-field as a function of
conductivity of the central
region was measured and experi-
mental data compared with theo-
retical values. At 2370 MHz, an
optimal conductivity exists for
the local region to gain the most
effective EM heating.
18 rates simult-
neously exposed
2.6 GHz Standard gain horn E Average SAR Carlimetric technique w Power density levels at positions near the center of the array were higher than those near the edge.
Erythrocyte membrane 2.45 GHz and 12.5-18GHz Horn antenna --- SAR Temperature- rise measurements x At all frequencies and power levels tested, increased loss of either hemoglobin or K+ from microwave-irradiated-rabbit RBCs should be ascribed to thermal effects on the stability and/or permeability of erythrocyte membrane.
25-g mice to 45-g mice 31-34 MHz, 62-68 MHz 90° corner reflector with quarter- wavelength monopole --- SAR Colonic temper-
ature elevation and calrimet-
ric method of average-SAR measurement
q Extremely high rates of absorption in the presence of reflecting surfaces were confirmed.
Guinea pigs, rabbits, mice, cacti X-band microwave frequency range Rectangular horn antenna --- Power density Changes of power density w Significent changes in radiation pattern occurred as result of presence of biological specimen.
20.3-cm saline- filled dolls and variouss orientations to E 2450 and 987 MHz --- E, K SAR --- y Whole-body SARs varied smoothly frtom E- to K- orientation values as body orientation was altered between the two extreme positions ini this plane.
Frog sciatic nerves, cat saphenous nerves, rabbit vagus nerves, rat- diaphragm muscles 2450 MHz S-band waveguide H, K SAR, and nerve conduction and contraction Fiber-optic probe for tem-
perature measurements
x When the temperature of nerves and muscles exposed to EM fields was kept constant, no change in conduction characteristics or contraction was observed.
Scaled figurines 20.3, 25.4, 33, and 40.6 cm long and Long Evans rats 285 MHz, 355.6 MHz, 462.3 MHz, 569 MHz --- E, K SAR Calorimetric technique and temperature-rise measurements aa Head resonance was observed in each.

(Table 7.17 continued)

Radiation Source
Summary of Results
Four 300-g male Walter Reed strain rats 2450 MHz, 987 MHz Exposed rectan-
gular waveguide
0°, 90°, 180°, 270°, within waveguide Spatial distribution of heat loading and pattern of succinic dehydrogenase Temperature- rise measurements and cytochemical measurement bb Data obtained suggests that further
exploration of frequency parameter could
lead to extremely rapid method of sacrifice
with simultaneous inactivation of brain
enzymes in unrestrained rats.
100-g rats placed 3/2 in front of 90° corner reflector 987 MHz, 2650 MHz 90° corner reflector --- Time to convulsion --- y Departure of only 10% between projected and oserved values; may be even lower for heavier animals.
Eleven rats 420-450 g 200-700 MHz Single brass monopole ( /4 long, 1.2-cm diameter) E Rise in temperature and change in behavior Temperature- rise measurements cc Showed increasingly larger rise in body temperature and increasing tendency for behavioral disruption to occur in animals as sfrequency was increased from 200 to 500 MHz.
Adult male CFI mice 2450 MHz Inside a rectan-
gular waveguide
--- Specific heat dissipation rate Calorimetric technique dd Indicated increased heat-dissipation rate of animals (compared to sham) for average absorbed dose rates above 12 mW/g.
Pupae of the insect Tenebrio molitor L 1.3, 5.95, and 10 GHz Right-angle, waveguide E bends E, K, and H SAR distribution Thermographic imaging system ee At X band, waveguide-irradaiated insects experienced localized SAR values significantly higher than whole-body average SAR.
Phantom model of man 0.5, 0.75, 2, & 2.5 GHz EM standing wave E Electric-field distribution Implantable electric- field probe ff Distribution of measured electric field is compared with distribution of theoretical results obtained numerically from the moment-method solution of electric-field integral equation with pulse basis functions. Agreement between the experiment and theory tends to deteriorate at lower frequencies.
Human volunteers 18.5 MHz TEM cell EKH, EHK, KEH, KHE, HEK, HKE Average SAR Insertion-loss technique gg First set of human whole-body average SAR is presented for three subjects exposed in free space to 11 hW/cm2 ata 18.5 MHz. Measured average SARs for the two principal E-orientations (EKH and EHK) are larger than the published predictions by a factor of 2 or 3.
Saline-filled reduced-scale figurines 610-795 MHz Leakage fields of parallel- plate applicator --- Average SAR internal electric field Temperature- rise measurements and electric- field measurements hh Experimental results using reduced-scale figurines for whole-body average SAR agree well with results obtained from the empirical relationship (Chatterjee et al., 1980). For near-field leakage- type exposures, internal E-fields and average SARs are considerably smaller than for far-field exposure conditions.
3.3-cm-radius muscle-equivalent sphere, M. mulatta head 1.2 GHz Far field of a standard-gain horn E and H Rate of temperate rise Temperature- rise memasurements ii Thermal response model accurately predicts temperature distribution in muscle-equivalent spheres and in detached/attached M. mulatta heads. Orientation of M. mulatta cadaver body with respect to EM- field vectors significantly affects temperature distribution in the head.
Conducting models of swine and rat 60 MHz Electric field of astength 9.5 kV/m --- Induced current measurements --- jj Body shape has a major influence on fields actually experienced by a man or animal exposed to a 60-MHz electric field.
Muscle-equivalent model of sitting Rhesus monkey 1.29 GHz and 225 MHz Rectangular horn antenna E SAR distribution and average SAR Temperature- rise measurement, calorimetric and thermographic technique kk
Measured average SAR is about three times that predicted for a prolate spheroidal model of similar mass, at 1.29 GHz. However, at 225 MHz, very close agreement between theory and expepriment is seen.
Scaled phantom models of humans and test animals 57.3 MHz TE101 mode rectangular resonant cavity --- SAR Thermographic technique mm Instrumentation system is developed for determining relationship between the applied uniform electric-field intensity at 60 MHz and the pattern of internal electric currents induced in exposed models. The 60-Hz field exposures are simulated by exposing scale models to 57.3-MHz fields of high strength on a resonant cavity.
Muscle-equivalent full-sized model of man 2 GHz Horn antenna E Average SAR and SAR distribution Calorimetric and temperature- rise measurement nn Relatively high SAR values are found in the limbs compared to the axis of the trunk of the model. Measured average SAR values are about three times higher than that extimated theoretically for a prolate spheroidal model of men.
Full-size muscle- equivalent human model 1.29 GHz Far field of a standard gain horn E SAR distribution Temperature- rise measurement oo Temperature rise is measured at front surface and several depths within the phantom. Based on these measurements, an approximate average- SAR value is obtained which agrees well with theoretical predictions based on absorption in the prolate spheroidal model of man.
Saline-filled prolate spheroidal phantom 400 MHz Neaer field of a dipole source E Average SAR Temperature- rise measurement pp Although relative SAR increases as distance from antenna decreases, the rate of increase of SAR values is slower than (/d)2, which is the characteristic variation of the far-field absorption produced by an electrically short dipole.
Human volunteer 3 to 41 MHz TEM cell EKH and EHK Average SAR Insertion- loss technique qq Measured average SAR, at 10 MHz, exceeds the average of the standard model calculations by a factor of 3 for free space and a factor of 4 for ground conditions.


a. Allen, 1975 aa. Hagmann et al., 1979b
b. Phillips et al., 1975 bb. Meyerhoff et al., 1979
c. Gandhi, 1974 cc. D'Andrea et al., 1977
d. Gandhi, 1975a dd. Ho and McManaway, 1977
e. Gandhi, 1975c ee. Olsen and Hammer, 1982
f. Allen et al., 1975 ff. Chen et al., 1982
g. Allen et al., 1976 gg. Hill, 1982
h. Leicher-Preka and Ho, 1976 hh. Chatterjee et al., 1982b
i. Schrot and Hawkins, 1976 ii. Burr and Krupp, 1980
j. Kinn, 1977 jj. Kaune and Phillips, 1980
k. Ho et al., 1977 kk. Olsen et al., 1980
l. Bassen, 1977 ll. Olsen and Griner, 1982
m. Bassen et al., 1977b mm. Guy et al., 1982
n. Gandhi, 1975b nn. Olsen, 1982
o. Gandhi and Hagmann, 1977a oo. Olsen, 1979
p. Gandhi et al., 1976 pp. Iskander et al., 1982
q. Gandhi et al., 1977 qq. Hill, 1984
r. Guy and Chou, 1976
s. Chou and Guy, 1977
t. Guy et al., 1976
u. Chen and Guru, 1977a
v. Guru and Chen, 1977
w. Bigu del Blanco and Romero-Sierra, 1978
x. Peterson et al., 1979
y. Gandhi, 1980
z. Chou and Guy, 1978